Showing posts with label strawberry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label strawberry. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

sweet summer celebration!!

so, basically i was inspired by a cute door mat that i bought a couple of months ago. ideas immediately started swirling in my head as to what i could do with this theme. after a little thought, i knew an end of the school year celebration was it! so, i went to work planning this little get together. we invited over close friends from school on the last day. it was a half day so it was perfect. i served lunch and treats and we had a day of swimming and celebrating getting through another year! ahhh..summer is finally here and i couldn't be more excited!!

i was so excited to even find a dress to match the theme!;)

my friend brought over this adorable, yummy cake!

definitely a fun day with friends and the perfect way to kick off the summer!!!:)