Showing posts with label lollipop topiary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lollipop topiary. Show all posts

Monday, July 13, 2009

lollipop topiary

i thought i would share one of the projects i just finished up for ella's party's a lollipop topiary! :)  i love that it's all candy, and bright colors!  ella's eyes light up everytime she looks at it! :)

i started with these zip-a-dee mini pops i bought from candy warehouse...

and a two-tier topiary i bought from crafts, etc.
it makes things so much easier to cut the sticks in half little helper
i stuck them in both of the balls and then the bottom part too
 ella is demonstrating
it took exactly two bags of the lollis...
it is relatively simple to make...just time consuming
i stuck it in a pink pot and wrapped it in tulle...and tied it in a knot.

it's hard to tell, but i wrapped it in pink and white tulle.
whimsical. *check*  cheery. *check* childhood memories. *check* candyland. *check* colorful.*check* ella loves it (biggest priority) *check*