with the upcoming halloween party, i have started to create a bit here and there! i have been wanting to make a banner...and came up with this. our theme is somewhat centered around owls..so i figured this would be appropriate ;)
it's kinda hard to get it all in one shot. this was the best i could do...
i made each piece out of card stock, cardboard letters, stamps and paint and hung them up on a long string with mini clothes pins...

whooo goes there? that would be owl talk. haha ;)

then i attached ribbon sporadically in between...(everything has to have ribbon ;) ). fairly simple, yet festive. :)

ella wanted to help, so while i was creating mine..she was busy at work creating hers. and we hung it up in her room. too cute.

she loved the paint and stamps...lots of stars...

she mixed up a little bit of everything to create her masterpiece.