my goal is to eventually get most of my parties (or recent ones) posted on here. it's been a very slow progress. haha. for my son, luke's, first birthday i did a mickey mouse theme. it was a lot of fun to plan..and there were a lot of options to work with (it is mickey mouse afterall..haha).
welcome to mickey's clubhouse! (as you entered i had mickey tunes playing personalized with luke's name)

i baked these mickey mouse cookies with mickey sprinkles on a stick...for the favor bags.

mickey topiaries :)

this was the sign in table...which also held the favor bags. the kids got one upon arrival, with mickey ears, bubbles, and a blow out mickey party toy. the other bags they left with had an art set, coloring book, watch, and the cookie. :) i love doing treat bags!

upon arrival the kids also got a mickey name badge to wear..

red for girls, blue for boys...

and a few of us even wore minnie hair clips ;) ella sneaking a lick of course. haha.

this was my first time creating chocolate, white choc, and peanut butter dipped variety prezels...they were a hit and have been at every gathering i have had since! :)

the entry

the back patio...that's the birthday boy swinging away with his uncle ;)

bounce house

the cakes and even a cherry pie...melissa, my sister, always makes my cakes and always does a fabulous job!! :) thank you melissa!!

random decorations..banner...

centerpiece and balloons

the best family pic we got that day..haha :)

presents!! i loved this airwalker mickey balloon i bought. the kids loved it too!! it was bigger than the majority of them!!

pull string pinata full of goodies..candy and toys

cake time! he demolished the cake!!

thoroughly enjoying himself!

opening presents

he loved playing in the balls!

the sign in just about complete.

it really was a fun day! all the party planning was a success! and i couldn't have done everything without the help of thanks again melissa! :)